Dr. Daryl C Davis
Dr. Daryl C. Davis currently is an adjunct faculty in the Higher Education department at the University of Toledo. Dr. Davis has over 25 years of experience in higher education as a counselor, faculty member, and administrator in Maryland, Ohio, and New York. He also serves as a consultant to The Steve Fund’s Equity in Mental Health on Campus initiative that addresses the mental health and well-being of college students of color. Dr. Davis received his Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Toledo. His dissertation was entitled “African American Faculty Perceptions of how Campus Racial Climate and the Quest for Tenure Influence Their Interaction with African American Students at Predominantly White Institutions.” His work highlights the paucity of African American faculty, how they experience and navigate campus racial climates, how they can effectively advance their cause in the academy and create a critical mass within the context of Critical Race Theory.